I took my car to a nearby garage today for its annual service. As I drove in, a gentleman drew my attention to a hen roaming around on the grass within the enclosure of the garage ground. Then I spotted several of the tiniest, fluffiest little baby chicks you could imagine. My French is not good enough ask if the mother hen had flown in over the fence to make this a home for her little ones; or if indeed the owner of the garage had brought her in as a point of interest.
It is currently 11 o clock at night and still 27degrees. Tomorrow it is forecast to be 39 degrees. Luckily the house and gites seem to maintain a reasonable and cool temperature. There is a big push tomorrow to finish La Galerie before our visitors arrive on Wednesday. All my neighbours, my children and I are going to be out there early to get as much done as we can before the weather gets hot. In honesty, I should probably have been finished a week ago but I have just continued to add more and more jobs to the list. It is also photo day tomorrow (or possibly Wednesday morning) so I am really looking forward to putting up the new pictures and I hope our visitors like the spruce up.