I remember, as a young girl, I was raised in a community where my neighbours were like family. If anybody had a problem, somebody could usually help. My own grandmother was at the very heart of the community. So many people came to her for advice, for care, for food and for parties. At times I hated it. My first boyfriend for instance remained a secret for a whole week before word got back to my family that I was out and about with somebody. But I really do appreciate and treasure so many aspects.
In the UK I loved our family home and the village we lived in. Our neighbours were really very lovely, but they were busy - as were we. I struggled for years to build the house that we lived in, and would often pass the time of day with our neighbours, but they didn't have the time to help.
Today I was working in La Galerie (again). The previous owner was in the car park helping my son lay down the gravel that had been delivered. My neighbours from over the road were painting, repairing and making coffee. Tonight, I cooked for them and we sat and enjoyed the weather, views and wonderful local food. Surely that is what it is all about.