6th May Handy Andy

Well it has been an action filled 2 days.  We had a family go at mending some gates on our land that had fallen off.  I thought it would be easy.  Buy a couple of hinges - screw them on and voila.  But no.  I did all that and then realised that actually the two gates were nearly a foot apart and couldn't be closed - kinda defeating the object.  Anyway, lumps of wood and posts were retrieved from various places.......and a few bent screws and nails later and there we had it - a cobbled together but slightly charming gate that closed (so long as you don't try to open it too often).

The neighbours are up for making elderflower champagne - yipppeeee.  Time to source some bottles and a summer of champagne with the satisfaction of it being our own should be ahead of us.

Today was the first use of the premier man tool - the sander.  Fantastic - great for the bingo wings but oh no the doors had all blown open and I hadn't realised.  I guess the house probably needed a good clean anyway but it wasn't really how I planned so spend 5 hours today.

It all paled into insignificance though when pup and I went for a walk this evening.  The vines are no longer looking like gnarly, contorted dead stumps.  They are springing to life and the landscape is turning green.  The hedgerows are full of daisies and clover and buttercups.  Pup continues to find puddles to dunk himself in - I don't think I mentioned our Beardie can't live without a good daily dunk in something that resembles water.  He is incredible how it sniffs it out in what can appear the most arid of places.

4th May - A true micro climate - talking about the weather and being British!

Before I get onto the weather I found some hidden treasures today.  I was clearing a load of old logs that were sat in the middle of the garden and underneath it was some old stone.  Then I realised that it was a bird bath.....but no it actually turned out to be the most beautiful little sun dial.  I am in love with it and shall move it somewhere more glorious.

I also discovered that we have a couple of very large elderflowers.  We love making elderflower coridal so that will be a wonderful pastime in the coming days.  I did see Hugh FW making elderflower champagne once.  Perhaps I will see if I can get the neighbours involved and we could maybe have a little champagne micro brewery.  Fun Fun.

Well the weather suggested we should batten down the hatches and to be honest for the first couple of days they were probably right.  Strong winds and lashing rain.  We all took the opportunity for a couple of days rest and a very long winded trip to the Brico Marche to buy paint supplies and pool supplies.

The weather was supposed to be horrible yesterday but actually turned out glorious.  You can sometimes see and hear the bad weather in the distance - rumbling thunder and black clouds but this little micro climate does protect us.

The pool is clear - you can see to the bottom and it is the most beautiful blue.  I had the PH levels perfect and then all that rain made it too alkaline again.  At least the plants had a good water.  It won't be long now.  It is so tempting when it is hot to just jump in now - that is how good it looks.

Wondering how the plastering is going?  Well it is a little lumpy to be honest, but not as dreadful as it could I have been.  I have been out and bought my first "man tool".  Sorry feminists.  A lovely new sander with bag attachment as it is the worst job in the world.  So, when it is completely dry in the next day or two I will have a go and see how good it really is.  Really looking forward to getting it all painted and lovely for my son.

29th April and the Super Loo

We had the funniest thing happen today.  I decided in my ongoing French style to take at least some of the day off and head down to the beach.   We visited St Palais Sur Mer, which is just past Royan.  It is beautiful.  A little cove with a small but perfectly formed beach and lots of places to eat.  There were even Palm trees.  It had an air of California about it I thought.  You could smell the moules cooking as you walked past onto the beach.  Yum.

Anyway, we had our first experience with a French loo.  My son entered and the light went from green to amber.  He had a little panic getting out but found the button and out he came.  My daughter went in next.  Just before she engaged in her business we suddenly heard her screaming.   Aaaahhhhhh aaaaahhhhh mummy get me out aaaaahhhhhh..,......... Nothing I could do except listen and laugh - a lot (gruel I know).  We hadn't realised the  Super Loo washed itself down.  Initially it was the seat raising and the whole thing washed itself - my daughter avoided that experience but then sprinklers hit her from every angle before she found the out button.  Her feet and legs were absolutely soaked. Thankfully, once out she too found the funny side.

We finished the day with an invite from some local people.  We had a lovely evening drinking local wine and eating nibbles in the garden.  My children even ate the olives - in the UK they always hated them.   They were just so fresh........

Tomorrow we are having neighbours over for a picnic lunch.  I must get on with that plaster boarding at some point...........!!!!!

26th April

Visited a Brocante today with the children.  We were looking for some beautiful flowers to put in pots around the gites and we weren't disappointed.  Lots of lovely geraniums and some beautiful cascading flowers that I'm afraid I don't know the name of.

We also picked up some mint, parsley and tomatoes. Hopefully, there will be some ripened for when our gite guests arrive.

My son over indulged himself on Churros - very yummy. 

Lots of stalls selling old bric a brac; some beautiful old plates which were tempting but then I remembered how full our cupboards already were and walked on by.

Snipped some lavender cuttings too so that we have plenty growing for next year.

I have lovely neighbours.  I am so lucky.  My neighbours across the road only arrived a couple of days ago but already the gentlemen has been so kind and helpful with a few building problems - and tool shortages.  I am very much looking forward to getting to know his wife better over time.  I also have another neighbour whom I haven't met yet, but local people tell me he is fantastic with all manor of problems like the lawnmower breaking.  I am lucky.  Friendly and helpful.  What more can a girl need.  I am looking forward to inviting them over for a BBQ and drinks..........I just need to find some time.   Perhaps in the lazy hazy days of summer.

25th April Forecast rain - what we got - Golden sunshine all afternoon

Perhaps that is the micro climate of Charente Maritime.  Lucky us.

It has been a day of can do.  I have been having problems with the pool filter not working but I just gave it a little French attitude after trying desperately for one and a half hours.   A couple of hours off over lunch and voila - working hard again.  Then, the lawnmower wouldn't start but again a little TLC and patience and a little clearing of grass from its nether regions and voila - off Mo went (my daughter has named her Mo).  I think I will name the pool pump too - perhaps Phillipe the Pool Pump

30th April - The weather changes

I am finding it very hard to wake up before 9am since I arrived.  Yes, I could set the alarm but why?  I am supposed to be in the French lifestyle........the children on are school holidays.....  I think it is a combination of the outdoor lifestyle we have had the joy of leading so far and the fantastic shutters that make the rooms lovely and dark to sleep.

Today we had our neighbours over for lunch.  They came with home baked quiche and cake and bread rolls.  They were absolutely gorgeous.  I felt I let the side down slightly.  I had made lovely baguettes full of the most delicious ham or salmon with salad - which were lovely.  However, my plan had failed as I had intended to pick up some deli bits at the local supermarket this morning but when I got there they didn't sell them.  A lesson learnt.  Note to oneself to find out where the deli is.  Anyway, they were terribly gracious and we had a lovely lunch with a glass or two of sparkling wine.  Just as they were leaving the weather began to turn.  I believe we are in for a few days of rain so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to shut up all the shutters and get a roaring log fire going and watch a couple of back to back movies.  Dreamy.  Even the rabbit fell asleep behind the log burner for the afternoon.

Tomorrow I will get on with plaster boarding........

24th April - Friday but no need for that Friday feeling

Another lovely day.  20 degrees and sunny. 

The children finished their first week at school.  They have done fantastically well.  After a nerve wracking first day on Tuesday, they have come home all week full of enthusiasm.  I am so impressed with them and the school.  The teachers have been welcoming and friendly and given them lots of useful of advise.  There has been so much sport - really pleased.  They have been swimming with flippers on and done blow shooting at targets.  The other children couldn't have been more helpful.  Magnifique.

The pool - oh I can't wait to get in - is looking bluer by the day.  The learning curve is steep but hey who can complain about learning to look after a swimming pool.

I have just been out to cut the grass.  Wow, it is perfect growing conditions here.  It has grown about 4 inches since Sunday - again who can moan about that.  So happy!

Oh yes, the building work.  I demolished the wall and today put up some plasterboard and had a first attempt at plastering.  Thankfully in France they only plaster the joints so I was careful to have minimum cuts.  It looks dodgy to say the least but a quick sand tomorrow and another going over and I'm sure we can move onto putting on the new skirting.  It is really nice to see the room back to its original size - it looks so much brighter and is actually possibly my favourite room now

They are forecasting a little wet weather over the weekend so perhaps a good time to get some unpacking done - perhaps!

22nd April

We have been here a week.  It feels so like home already.  We went back to Royan today.  It was 25 degrees and absolutely glorious by the beach.  Wonderful sandy beaches, cafes and a few amusements for the children.  Plenty of delicious ice cream. Magic.

Starting to get the pool cleaned up.  Oh gosh it is going to be beautiful.  We went and bought some new furniture so that people can enjoy relaxing by the pool.  I can't wait to get stuck into tidying up the planting and putting in some new lavenders.  We are going to put in some wild flower meadows too.  It will be a little piece of heaven.

Being a builder

Well I bit the bullet today and bashed out a bedroom wall.  A little nerve racking but if Sarah Beeny can do it.......everything is a little more complicated though.  I suddenly realised I didn't know where the tip was.  It wasn't easy trying to find out and had to ask somebody with local knowledge as my translations were clearly not up to scratch.

Getting on with the pool - desperately want to get it up and running but looks like we are going to need 2 or 3 weeks before it is useable.  Probably a good thing or else I would be in, rather than working.

The food is so much fresher here.  We bought some basic pork steaks from the supermarket - thinking we were just being economical but wow the flavour was fantastic.

I tell you what I am really loving.  We had some new telephone wires put in yesterday and the technician knocked on the door, after finishing outside, and shook my hand to introduce himself.  I bought some furniture today at the supermarket and I was helped out with all the goods and the lovely gentleman insisted I didn't lift the heavy goods.  I then got a little hug once loaded.  So lovely.


Forgot to mention we took our first trip to one of the local beaches.  Royan is just 25 minutes away.  It was a little chilly and cloudy and our dog and my son insisted on taking a dip anyway.  Lovely beach.  There are lots of restaurants and yachts and I can only image it is a mini Riviera when the sun shines.  Will let you know next time I visit.

19th April 2015

Wow, well it has been quite a few days.  We are here!!!!!  The journey was a little tense with the car creating drama with a warning light saying a tyre was deflating - but it wasn't I determined after 2 hours of checks.

Chessie, our little rabbit was not a happy bunny and constant stops to keep her hydrated were necessary.  Pleased to say she is a very happy little lapin now.

I can't believe we are here.  It is quiet.  It is breath taking.  I love it.

The challenge of getting things up and running begins.....

Day 2 creating the website!

April 4, 2015

9 Days to go.....Wow, I am addicted to creating this website.  I have the dog barking and the kids running around with their friends - sounds like chaos!  but no........they are all getting on with their thing quite happily and I am getting on with creating this website.  I just hope it does the trick and shows everybody what a lovely place we have for you to visit.

3rd April 2015

10 days to go before our big move to Charente Maritime.

I woke up this morning and decided to try and build myself a website.  Honestly, I am really enjoying it........finding it very hard to put it down.  I would appreciate any thoughts on what people out there think of it.