Before I get onto the weather I found some hidden treasures today. I was clearing a load of old logs that were sat in the middle of the garden and underneath it was some old stone. Then I realised that it was a bird bath.....but no it actually turned out to be the most beautiful little sun dial. I am in love with it and shall move it somewhere more glorious.
I also discovered that we have a couple of very large elderflowers. We love making elderflower coridal so that will be a wonderful pastime in the coming days. I did see Hugh FW making elderflower champagne once. Perhaps I will see if I can get the neighbours involved and we could maybe have a little champagne micro brewery. Fun Fun.
Well the weather suggested we should batten down the hatches and to be honest for the first couple of days they were probably right. Strong winds and lashing rain. We all took the opportunity for a couple of days rest and a very long winded trip to the Brico Marche to buy paint supplies and pool supplies.
The weather was supposed to be horrible yesterday but actually turned out glorious. You can sometimes see and hear the bad weather in the distance - rumbling thunder and black clouds but this little micro climate does protect us.
The pool is clear - you can see to the bottom and it is the most beautiful blue. I had the PH levels perfect and then all that rain made it too alkaline again. At least the plants had a good water. It won't be long now. It is so tempting when it is hot to just jump in now - that is how good it looks.
Wondering how the plastering is going? Well it is a little lumpy to be honest, but not as dreadful as it could I have been. I have been out and bought my first "man tool". Sorry feminists. A lovely new sander with bag attachment as it is the worst job in the world. So, when it is completely dry in the next day or two I will have a go and see how good it really is. Really looking forward to getting it all painted and lovely for my son.