What an exciting week. The pool renovations have been completed and it is looking absolutely beautiful. The water is the most enticing and beautiful colour blue and we can't wait to get in.
Usually, for most of the year, we keep half of our garden grass cut short and the other half is laid to meadow. There must be 20 packets of wild flower seeds scattered throughout the meadow grass but still not much success so far. I shall keep persevering though.
Anyway, today the farmer came to cut the rest of the grass. A great deal - he cuts it annually and in return takes it away for hay; After bringing in the washing I realised I had a moment to pause so I sat in the sun chair for 5 minutes and what a treat I got. I Red Kite decided the cut grass was the perfect hunting ground and I had 5 minutes watching him soar, glide, land and take back off. Which reminds me.....the Redstarts have flown their nest - I was actually there when one of them took his maiden flight; I know what you are thinking I probably scared him into it. Maybe. Anyway mum raised four successful baby birds. Brilliant!
There has been a lot of concerning news over the last couple of weeks regarding France but just so you know we are business as usual, there is plenty of fuel in this region and the sun has been a little shy but on its way.