11th January - Ever changing plans

Being an ancient property, it can throw down problem, after problem, after problem.......or so it seems sometimes.  The last few weeks have seen a number of less serious problems that have required attention and taken my time away from other tasks I wish to complete over the winter.  However, a slightly larger situation has arisen due to a change in the weather.  Pre Christmas we really were very spoilt with long, dry sunny days.  However, since the New Year we are having seven seasons in a day.  For instance, today started with heavy winds and rain, which then turned to sleet and five minutes later thunder and lightening.  Within ten minutes it was beautiful sunshine.......and so it goes on.  The problem has been with the rain.  The rain has been torrential - not in the same way that the UK has suffered, but torrential never the less and this has impacted one of our ancient walls.  The plan was to repoint within 3 years, however, so serious does the situation look - alongside an incredibly leaky roof on (for want of a better word) the car port which is pouring water down the same said wall that immediate intervention is necessary.  So clearly, other plans will have to go on hold - so is the way of an old property. 

On the brighter side, I am really looking forward to seeing the wall cleaned and repointed and back to glory.  Also, the wind has today blown down a fence line that I was intending to rip out in a couple of weeks - so I have been saved that job.

So what work is being replaced by the repointing and new roof?  Well, perhaps not postponed - lets just say I went and bought myself a trowel and some plaster today and have been watching Youtube videos on technique - this will be an interesting experience.