After all the hype and speed and excitement that came along with the start of the summer season things are starting to feel a little more mellow.
The sunflowers are now nodding their heads and looking sleepy; the nights are cooling and the morning brings a heavy dew and low lying mist that is so beautiful when the suns slowly rises- now an hour later than we had seen just a few weeks previously. However, the days are still long and able to reach into the low 30s on occasion.
We have just said "au revior" to some of our dearest friends who have been out to join us for the week. What a wonderful week it was, fully of hasty chat to catch up and long lingering meals, laughter and pure joy at sitting together by the yachts or beneath the palm trees. We even feasted on the vegetables the children grew - which they had given us as gifts in the form of packets of seeds - sweetcorn, golden courgettes etc.