It is a busy time here in Charente Maritime. Whilst the sun continues to warm up and now resembles what I would consider a good summer in England - we have been busy painting La Galerie and getting it all ship shape for the season. When I need to get out into the fresh air there has been plenty to occupy - such as growing sweetcorn and sunflowers, maintaining the pool area, powering washing off the winter grime and keeping the grass down.
I had left most of the 2.5 acres to grow for hay and the kindest local farmer dropped over this week and cut it and baled it and took it away. I will leave it to grow again now but cut some trails in for the children (and adults) to walk through and hopefully the wild flower seeds I have put down will grow in some of the meadow areas. That would be the most beautiful sight.
I have the kindest, loveliest neighbours and today we bottled our Elderflower Champagne. After starting off pretty fizzy it then seemed to go flat so we put in some more yeast (all trial and error). It does look pretty cloudy but we are hoping that it will do its magic tucked away in the barn (well covered over in case it all explodes; as it can be a bit volatile we are led to believe).
We also have our French TV installed now so no excuses not to knuckle down and start improving our vocabulary.
The children went on a kayaking day in the local river - just 15 minutes from here - with the school today. How fantastic is that! Makes me wish I was back there.