30th October - La Rochelle (part one)

We set out bright and early this morning to get some birthday presents for the children in La Rochelle.  The drive was about 1 hour 15 mins.  However, I had forgotten to get some petrol.  Arriving at La Rochelle on perfume vapour I promptly missed the first garage.  I saw a HyperU in the distance but decided as it was in the wrong direction we would continue on our journey - we were bound to find a garage.  Wrong.  It seemed impossible to stop, to ask, to find.  An hour after arriving I was stilling driving around on red - incredible I know in all respects.  Ah, a sensible looking man to finally ask.  Yes, he seemed to be giving us directions.  Would we make it.  Oh, he is actually going to take us.  He has jumped in the car with his 2 baguettes.  He directs us and 5 minutes later asks us to stop.  Out he jumps - he is home - no really - yes.  Thankfully with literally no more than a gasp of petrol left L'Eclerc appeared like a goddess in front of us. 

Next, we had to find the clothes stores.  We used my phone to navigate us to some out of town centre - not what we were after - but hey we were fed up of driving around.  Oh dear - nothing doing. 

Right, we are now all really fed up and decide to head back to Saintes where we know the town centre has clothes shops.  But perhaps I will just follow the centre sign and see what happens...........nothing ventured after all.  At last something went well.  There we were in a beautiful, historical town centre full of small elegant shops and bistro cafes.  It was buzzing with life.  A few hours spent here soon had us relaxed and joyful. We will definitely be returning just before Christmasto get us all in the festive spirit.

We didn't have the time or energy today to visit the beach or port but La Rochelle is definitely on our map now.